Our Green Policy

Our Green Policy

Environmental Conservation

We recognize that all our construction activities exist within a physical and socio-economic environment whose sanctity must be respected. The environmental impact of our operations is always at the heart of our concern and as such all our work procedures as well as the products that we use place specific adherence to Best Available Technology (BAT) and Best Management Practices (BMPs). We steer clear of ozone-depleting CFCs, heavy metal compounds and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) as we warmly embrace the Green Revolution

Human Resources

Our top-drawer service is only possible due to the invaluable resource resident in the personnel compliment we possess. We invest generously in Staff Training and Development, Remuneration and Welfare to bring about the holistic well being of our employees. It is on this basis that we firmly believe in a collaborative relationship with our staff to fully tap into their creative potential and add value to the generality of our clients and stakeholders.

Profit and Sustainability

We view our firm as a vehicle that must reap financial rewards as return on investment in exchange for value-added services enjoyed by all our valued clients. In order to meet our operational obligations we realize the efficacy of adherence to financial prudence hence our adoption of an omnipresent market leading competitive pricing model.

Number 1 Ross Ave, Belgravia, Harare
Mon - Fri: 8:00-17:00
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