Our Team V2

Faro Mushaninga

Operations Manager

Meticulous planning, adroit personnel management, prompt decision making and precise and painstaking thoroughness when handling cumbersome figures are all necessary competencies one should find in the ideal Operations Manager. It is a foregone conclusion that Mr. Faro Mushininga has all these attributes that he has honed over the years to the great benefit of Rhino Industrial Zimbabwe (Pvt) Ltd. Health and Safety issues lie at the heart of successful project management and as such keeping the staff compliment motivated and in high morale is a panacea for high productivity, an area where the firm continues to excel.

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Zambe Mafiosi

Technical Manager

Rhino Industrial Zimbabwe (Pvt) Ltd owes its illustrious history to the visionary work of Mr. Zambe Mafiosi. He has been with the firm since inception and continues to lead from the front. He has vast experience in the preparation and application of the critical compounds that make up products like mastic asphalt, epoxy flooring and silver bitumenous aluminium paint that make Rhino Industrial Zimbabwe the avante garde of waterproofing and flooring services. There is no project that is too big for him as evidenced by his handling of demanding projects like Joina City, Harare International Airport and Harare Interpol Headquarters among others. As a hands-on leader he is responsible for all on-the-job staff training thus making his contribution to the firm so invaluable.

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Engineer Ben Chatukuta

Projects Evaluator

The Construction Industry is a scientific pursuit where the precision of the engineering discipline is a prerequisite condition. Engineer Chatukuta offers the attention to detail, mathematical sharpness and project evaluation expertise that has made Rhino Industrial Zimbabwe a household name in the industry. His exercise of oversight has come to play the role of leader and mentor to the company's management team. Boasting of an impressive international track record amongst which falls the project management of the stadia and venues of the 2010 edition of the Soccer World Cup hosted by South Africa, one of the most decorated personalities in the trade, Engineer Chatukuta is bent on transforming Rhino Industrial Zimbabwe (Pvt) Ltd into a global powerhouse.

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Uniglobe Zimbabwe Holdings (Pvt) Ltd

Financial Consultancy

In the absence of sound financial management, the measure of out profitability and sustainability over the long term cannot be determined. As such Rhino Industrial Zimbabwe (Pvt) Ltd has engaged an elite financial services firm Uniglobe Zimbabwe Holdings (Pvt) Ltd to manage the “figures” side of our operation. This has also been motivated by our desire to devote most of our time and attentional resources on doing what we are best at, Waterproofing and Flooring your premises.

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Number 1 Ross Ave, Belgravia, Harare
Mon - Fri: 8:00-17:00
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